Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Unit 1 Reflection

The thought of making my own business venture was very scary at first. I thought that starting off from scratch would be too difficult and complex that I wouldn't understand anything that was asked from me. However, using the tools that were provided, I found my business building quite fun and being the boss of everything meant that I could make the form sheets to my liking. My problem is that I never could take charge of anything and make decisions because I need to have it approved first of all by someone, but this project was very self oriented and I liked being able to control how things would eventually play out. I absolutely loved using Google docs, when this semester is over I will clear out all my emails and carry on using it. I find it more reliable to upload everything onto the cloud than having a flash drive that could potentially be lost and corrupt in some way. My project was very good in my opinion i thought of all the tiny details, and I stressed over them to make them perfect, asking Mr. Gill about everything in order to clarify his tasks. I used my time wisely and I kept on asking other people for help when I was running out of ideas on solving a problem. The only thing I wish I learnt how to use properly was excel, however using google docs was easy as well and made the experience more artsy.